Crafting Our New Identity: A Brief Encounter with our revamp (um, actually, that dark pink won’t do at all, at all, at all…)

Now that Studio Jouvay is the name, we've embarked on an exciting journey to revitalise our brand, staying true to our roots while embracing the evolution of our creative vision.

  1. The Great Shake-Up: Picture this: a quiet little boutique design agency that is plodding along, surviving Covid and coping with some very sad personal losses along the way, plus the odd birth. Enter: stirring up mischief in a world of blandness. But even the boldest of troublemakers need a little shake-up now and then. Our brand revamp was our chance to flip the script, shake off the dust, and inject some serious sass into our identity. Let the games begin!

  2. Embracing Change: Change is inevitable, and as a design agency, we understand the importance of staying relevant in an ever-evolving industry. Our brand revamp was not just about updating our visual identity; it was about embracing change, re-imagining our story, and re-affirming our commitment to sublime creativity

  3. Eureka Moments and Creative Shenanigans: Inspiration and application evolved from late-night brainstorming sessions to spontaneous midnight tango dancing. Our journey to re-align ourselves was a long time coming and much needed breath of fresh air. We drew from diverse sources and what is importance to us to capture the essence of who we are as a design agency.

  4. Defining Our Values: Central to our brand revamp was a re-evaluation of our ‘why’. We reflected on what sets us apart, what drives us, and what we aspire to achieve as a design agency. By defining our values, we established a solid foundation upon which to build our new identity—a foundation rooted in authenticity and collaboration. But Values, Schmalues, I hear you cry. So beyond predictable, typical old values like "integrity" and "excellence”, we're all about magic, and a healthy dose of mischief!

  5. Crafting the Visual Identity: We loved our Consort dolphin, but it just had to be different, and able to let the artwork we showcase breathe and uncluttered. But that leaves room for colour. Can’t avoid that with Caribbean heritage.

  6. Unveiling the New Look: So here it is. A bit of a fast-tracked labour of love (don’t rush this bit, you future clients out there!), so you’re welcome to feedback to us your thoughts (be nice please).

Conclusion: As we embark on this new chapter, we are filled with excitement, anticipation, and gratitude. Our overhaul represents more than just a visual refresh; it's a testament to our commitment to growth, innovation, and creativity.

We are grateful for the opportunity to evolve alongside our clients, partners, and community, and we look forward to the journey ahead. Thank you for joining us on this adventure, and here's to a bright and inspiring future with us as Studio Jouvay.

[Um, Ed – should I put some hashtags here, after all, we need to practise what we preach about SEO…!]


What’s with the beach? Are we selling holidays…or dreams?


Get ready for the gatitos! (that’s ‘little cats’ for those of you who’d like to learn some Spanish)