What’s with the beach? Are we selling holidays…or dreams?

Studio Jouvay Beach

Well, in a way – yes.

Do you have a dream? Or let’s bring the terminology down to Earth a little…. Do you have a vision for what you want for yourself or your business? Not only of the obvious business plan side/projection for the future, but the bigger picture. This matters. Or at least, makes the difference if it matters to you.

Knowing the numbers as well as the interior of your home is a given for a solid path for growth, but if you don’t have a clear vision of where you want to be in the not so distant future, your intention will be like a boat that has set sail with no destination harbour. Which may see you get lost in the Doldrums.

Take the time, allow yourself the mental meanderings. Turn off the social and mute the Whatsapp. And keep coming back to your crafted vision until it’s familiar and satisfying, and feels real, even without it. Then head towards that. The details matter. The turnover, profit margin, the positive impact, sure. But the clothes you will be wearing once you’ve got used to that level of income from your business, the lives that could be uplifted by your cause, the smell of the uncorked Barbera left to breathe before dinner, and the sound of laughter from loved ones as you spoil them with your time. I could go on, and maybe I’ll come back to this in a later blog post (TBH I need to have a couple ready for the website launch tomorrow!), but for now, just….

Go brave. Dream big. Connect more.
And do you know what? If we’re part of that journey of realising your vision for you, then yes, we are selling dreams. The ones that can come true.


Having fun with cat food branding…


Crafting Our New Identity: A Brief Encounter with our revamp (um, actually, that dark pink won’t do at all, at all, at all…)