Design and Strategy….

why and what is the process?

It’s not just BS (Brand Strategy, that is!)… A well considered and implemented Brand Strategy and Identity Design is not exclusive to mega brands. They are essential and powerful for SMEs that want to elevate, differentiate and have considered approach.

Brand strategy and outstanding design results in some key outcomes:

CONNECTION – with their target audience

DIFFERENTIATION – from any similar individual, product or service

BUILDS CREDIBILITY – important for new business and investment

GARNERS TRUST – encouraging brand loyalty which leads to repeat business



UNITES AN INTERNAL TEAM – they align around a common vision

Investing in brand development is not just about creating a logo or slogan; it’s about shaping the overall perception and reputation of the business in the marketplace.

The process…


Design enhances our everyday existence and helps create positive experiences. A considered and well executed brand design, piece of promotional literature or digital marketing helps communicate your message, service or product in a way that will resonate with your desired audience. Our creative design solutions are a way to connect and motivate with inspiration and care being fuelled by our cultural, academic, and business experience.


Is this just designer speak for charging more? Well, no, but it is a separate process to brand identity design and is not just a logo. Through initial Discovery, plus our experience, a road map of what and how to implement a designed identity, or other creative solution and touchpoints is devised to fulfil desired outcomes (be it brand refresh, marketing campaign, website, social media content, art installation…).

5 step process to brand brilliance

It all begins with an idea or a thought.

And we help make it a reality…like this…