Modern Slavery Statement for Studio Jouvay Ltd


At Studio Jouvay Ltd, we are committed to conducting our business with integrity and respect for all individuals involved in our supply chain and business operations. We recognise the importance of tackling the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking, and we are dedicated to ensuring that these practices have no place in any part of our organisation or supply chain. This statement outlines our approach to preventing modern slavery in compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our Commitment

We take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery, including forced labour, human trafficking, and child exploitation. As a small design agency, we understand the influence our operations can have on workers' rights and dignity, both directly and through our supply chain. We commit to:

  • Conducting business ethically, transparently, and responsibly.

  • Ensuring that our employees and any third-party contractors are treated fairly, with respect to labor rights and human dignity.

  • Continuously assessing the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain and taking steps to mitigate these risks.

Our Supply Chain

Our supply chain primarily consists of software providers, freelancers, and vendors who supply office equipment, digital tools, and other services. While the risks in our sector may be relatively low compared to industries such as manufacturing or agriculture, we are vigilant in ensuring that all our partners align with our values. We aim to:

  • Work only with suppliers who adhere to fair labour practices.

  • Conduct due diligence to ensure that all vendors, freelancers, and partners uphold ethical standards.

  • Include modern slavery clauses in contracts with suppliers and conduct checks where appropriate.

Our Policies

To ensure that modern slavery is not taking place within our business or supply chain, we have implemented the following policies:

  • Code of Conduct: Our Code of Conduct outlines the ethical behaviour expected from our employees and partners.

  • Supplier Standards: We require all suppliers to confirm that they do not engage in modern slavery and that they comply with local labor laws.

  • Whistleblowing Policy: We allow employees and contractors to report any concerns about unethical behaviour, including modern slavery, without fear of retaliation.

Training and Awareness

We understand that raising awareness and providing the right knowledge is essential in the fight against modern slavery. To that end, we ensure:

  • Employee Training: Our staff are educated on the signs of modern slavery and are encouraged to report any suspicions.

  • Supplier Awareness: We communicate our anti-modern slavery expectations to all suppliers and contractors.

Monitoring and Performance Review

We regularly review our policies and supply chains to identify and address any emerging risks related to modern slavery. This involves:

  • Annual reviews of our suppliers and partners.

  • Monitoring our internal processes to ensure continued compliance with modern slavery laws.

  • Updating our approach as necessary to reflect changes in legislation and best practices.

Looking Ahead

As we grow, we remain committed to continuously improving our efforts to eliminate any risks related to modern slavery. We will take proactive measures to ensure that our business remains a safe and ethical environment for all individuals.


This Modern Slavery Statement was approved by Studio Jouvay Ltd's leadership team and will be reviewed and updated annually.


J J Potter
Studio Jouvay Ltd

This statement reflects Studio Jouvay Ltd's ongoing commitment to ethical practices, ensuring that modern slavery has no place in our business or supply chains.